does it take your sleep and money away not knowing if you have a tax or legal problem?

Have you ever been sued or do you have a legal problem which you are not aware of?

Monitor and receive alerts of any legal, judicial or media publication of your name or that of your company, competitors, suppliers, RFC, CURP, etc. (e.g. federal and local courts, administrative courts, conciliation boards, SAT, 69-B, Official Gazette).

Don't worry, apolo will be there for you.

Not only that but also

Do you need a lawyer, notary or accountant and don't know who to turn to?

Registration of Trademarks, Granting of Deeds, Declarations before the tax authorities and many more...

Through our platform you will be able to contact the lawyer, notary or accountant you need to solve your legal, personal or business matters throughout Mexico.

Apolo does the search and you choose

Other services


To digitally track all your cases and matters in an automated way.

Digital tax receipt

Validate in seconds all your tax receipts, the Federal Taxpayers Registry of your suppliers and

their status before the tax authorities.


Track your time and monitor all

your activities and those of your collaborators.

Laws and calculators

Digital access to hundreds of laws, regulations, jurisprudence, tax and

legal calculator.

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